RE: FW: gnome

Well, the reson root is only allowed to mount is for security, the NFS VFS
server could be writen to give all writes to all libvfs filesystems. If a
filesystem down the road writen for VFS needs to be restricted, it cant. I
would like to see users be able to easyly access there flopy drive and other
drives, but root must be able to say who can and who cant.

I want to see filesystems go where they belong. I dont want to see
filesystems that only work with a fiew programs. I run a program called
ZipMagic on my windows computer, it turns zip files into directorys that you
can change directory into and use the files inside like it was uncompressed.
The big problem is that it only works in windows and not dos. This is a
great pain. LibVFS will only work in programs that are open sorced and
modified. That means only a fiew programs on some oses will work with the
ftp/tar filesystem. Why spend all the effort creating a filesystem that
works only with a fiew programs. Spend the effort making a filesystem that
works everywhere. It will take the same amount of energy but provides far
greater benifits.
If you make a NFS wraper to LibVFS you can program a filesystem that works
on all oses regardless if they are closed sorced.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Alan Shutko []
> Sent:	Thursday, December 10, 1998 12:58 PM
> To:	Fox, Kevin M
> Cc:	''
> Subject:	Re: FW: gnome
> >>>>> "F" == Fox, Kevin M <> writes:
> F> As to why should it be in the kernel. It is the kernels
> F> job. Writeing a VFS library requires programs to be spacificly
> F> programmed for it and it bypasses security. The reason why normal
> F> users cant mount is because of security.
> You are _really_ confusing me!  Are you saying that root should be
> able to control which tar files users can open and which FTP servers
> users can go to?  So we should move this functionality into the kernel
> and take it out of the tar and ftp programs?  I guess root really
> needs to be able to limit my ability to open a zip file.
> Please, tell me what you're smoking.  We aren't changing security at
> all by moving functionality from user applications to a user library.
> -- 
> Alan Shutko <> - By consent of the corrupted
> If in doubt, mumble.

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