hats off + app-finder

>From a (mostly) non-developer and gnome-list lurker, much appreciation
to all developers.  Traffic here has been heavy, which clearly indicates
much effort is going in.

One question:  A recent review of Red Hat 5.2 griped about RPM because
"when you install a new application, RPM doesn't automatically put a
shortcut to it on your desktop" (that is not an exact quote).  While
this complaint is naive, Windows-centric, at least a little bit stupid,
and aims at the wrong target (RPM), it has a little validity.  I don't
know how GNOME looks for applications.  Clearly it does something.
However, what it does seems to not quite cut the mustard.  Could 
somebody explain the 5WH about GNOME finding applications, and add any 
comments w/r/t how it could be improved?

   /.  \    Gregory Fall                Phone: 734-913-4662
   \/  /    University of Michigan      Fax:   734-763-7130
     \ \    2455 Hayward Street         email: gmfall@engin.umich.edu
   __/_/    Ann Arbor, MI 48109                gmf@dweezil.dynip.com

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