FW: gnome

If you use a VFS NFS server it should solve the need to use the VFS library
in a program
> This strikes me as solving all arguments for using VFS. It speeds up
> programs because thay dont have to go through 2 librarys, libvfs and the
> standard library, it provides the flexability and programs dont have to be
> recompiled thus working on operating systems that are closed sorce.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Todd Showalter [SMTP:todd@altsoftware.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, December 09, 1998 2:02 PM
> To:	Fox, Kevin M
> Subject:	RE: gnome
> On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> > If you had a libvfs NFS server mounted on startup, and then have
> > directories inside for diferent filesystems or somthing like that, the
> > NFS server could be incharge because it would BE root.
> > It could then provide users with abilitys. An example is the Auto
> > Mounter Daemon. It runs on startup and than enyone can use it.
>     Looks good to me.  You'd have to get root to install the NFS mount,
> but that's not so bad.  Heck, I'd use it.
> 						Todd.
> --
> Todd Showalter       |  "The time has come," the Walrus said,
>                      |    "to talk of many things:"
> gandalf@interlog.com |
> todd@altsoftware.com |                            Lewis Carroll

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