Re: Is it a proper CVS dep tree?

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Yukihiro Nakai wrote:
> This is more correct, I think...
> - Imlib partially depends on gtk+ for the color selecter.
> - ORBit depends on glib
> - libgtop doesn't depend on gtk+, does it?
> Yukihiro Nakai
> --------------
>  glib____________________________________
>   |      |                               |
>   V      |                               |
>  gtk+    |                 gnome-xml     |     gtk-engines
>   |      |                     |         |          |
>   |      |                     |         |          |
>   V      V                     V         V          V
> imlib  libgtop  gnome-http  gnome-dom  ORBit    (optional)
>   |      |          |          |         |
>   |______|__________|__________|_________|
>   |                                      
>   |     audiofile                        
>   |         |
>   |         V
>   |       esound                   guile-core
>   |     ____|                          |
>   |    |                               |
>   V    V                               V  
>  gnome-libs            gnome-objc  gnome-guile
>   |                       |            |
>   |                       |            | 
>   V                       |            |
>  gnome-core               |            |
>   |_______________________|____________|
>    _________|________________________________________________________
>   |         |            |               |             |             |
>   |         V            V               V             V             V
>   |   gnome-admin   gnome-network   gnome-utils   gnome-games   gnome-media
>   |
>   |________________________________________
>          |           |          |          |
>          V           V          V          V
>        applications (gmc, ee, gdm, litespeed, ...)

Representing something so complex in 2D ascii art is doomed to failure,
I'm sure, but two little points:
1) gnome-libs doesn't depend on gnome-dom (I'm fairly sure)
2) gnome-objc depends on gnome-libs

I don't think many (if any) applications depend on gnome-core, and not all
the applications depend on all of the utility modules (for instance ee
does not depend on gnome-xml), but that the limitations of the media, I

Michael Hudson
Jesus College

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