Re: cannot install - imlib problem

On Sun, 06 Dec 1998, K. Whilden wrote:
>On Sun, 6 Dec 1998, Steven L.Sesar wrote:
>> Make sure that /etc/ contains a path to imlib*
>> Also, make sure that the gnome install scripts correctly point to the imlib*
>> files. Did youy run ldconfig to link your newly installed libraries after
>> installing imlib?
>Thanks for the tip Steven, but unfortunately I did the above, and it still
>didn't work for me. But here is some more info that I have learned.
>I did:
>[root@204 lib]# rpm -V imlib-1.8-5
>.M......   /usr/lib/
>..M......   /usr/lib/
>The 'M' is supposed to mean that the verify failed a test of Mode
>(including permissions and file types)
>So I checked out the imlib libraries in /usr/lib and couldn't see anything
>that looked unusual. But then I really don't know anything about this kind
>of thing. Here is the listing of /usr/lib/*Imlib*
>-rw-r--r--   1 root     root       162478 Oct 12 18:11 libImlib.a
>-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          509 Oct 12 18:11
>lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           17 Dec  6 00:16 ->
>lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           17 Nov 11 11:34 ->
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       166292 Oct 12 18:11
>Please let me know if you see anything wrong here.

Hmmm. Interesting. My libraries were installed into /usr/local/lib. This
"could" be the problem. Do you have a previous version of imlib laying around?
If so, remove them and try again. Just a thought. 

 >When I verified imlib-cfgeditor and imlib-devel, there was no output
>whatsoever from RPM. Could this also point towards problem?
>One final bit of info might be this output from the install-gnome script.
> GNOME install failed with the following error from rpm:              x    
>    x failed dependencies:
>    x imlib = 1.8 is needed by imlib-cfgeditor-1.8-5      
>is it possible that imlib=1.8 is failing because I have imlib=1.8.5?

Very possible! Why not try to compile sources against your machine? RPMS are
ok, but I've run into problems before with packaged binaries, whereas they were
linked against different libs, different pakcages have different install
destinations,etc, and compiling from source did the trick.

>Whatever the reason, I am rather excited to get gnome up and running, and
>then see if gnumeric will allow me to avoid going back to windows to use
>excel. Star Office is nice, but it lacks one small feature in excel that I
>pretty much constantly need. Many thanks, yet again,
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