Re: keyboard

On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Ted Lemon wrote:

> > You pull down a menu with your mouse, and while you are over let's say
> > "File Open...  Ctrl-O", you just press the key combination you want to
> > bind with that menu item.  So if you press Alt-O, the menu item
> > changes to "File Open...  Alt-O", and Alt-O is now your shortcut for
> > File Open.
> That's *excellent*!   Are these changes persistent across invocations?

    What if Alt-O is already bound?  For that matter, what if the
application itself (cf: emacs) uses it for something else?


Todd Showalter       |  "The time has come," the Walrus said,
                     |    "to talk of many things:" | |                            Lewis Carroll

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