Todd Graham Lewis <> writes:

> On 28 Aug 1998, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > $ glib-config --libs gmodule
> > -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -lgmodule-1.1  -lglib-1.1 -ldl
> > 
> > $ gtk-config --libs
> > -L/opt/themes/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -lgmodule-1.1 -lglib-1.1 -ldl -lXext -lX11 -lpthread -ldl -lm
> > 
> > When -lgmodule is needed, gmodule should be added to the glib-config
> > line, as it is for GTK+. Perhaps you should try getting clean copies
> > of of gtk+ and gnome-libs? Everything seems to configure and compile
> > fine here.
> Arrgghh!  I really mean it!
> reflections# cd gtk+
> reflections# make uninstall
> reflections# cd ..
> reflections# mv gtk+ gtk+-foo
> reflections# cvs checkout gtk+
> (...)
> reflections# cd gtk+
> reflections# ./ --prefix=/opt/gnome
> reflections# grep "glib-config --libs" configure
>   glib_libs=`$with_glib/glib-config --libs`
> reflections# grep  gmodule configure
> reflections# 
> Explain this to me, Owen.  The $64,000 question is, are you using
> anonymous or user-name-ful CVS?  If the later, then you probably
> won't see it.  I'm using anon CVS and I am seeing it.
> Can someone please comment on the report that the CVS tree has diverged
> for anonymous and developer access?  And can some developer please
> cavort with us little people for a while and test this stuff using
> anonymous CVS?
> Still broken...

I just tried checking out gtk+ from anoncvs and it looks like it
is updated properly. A diff against non-anonymous GTK+ reveals no

My guess is the problem you are having is with glib.m4.  You
quite like have automake installed in /usr/, so that aclocal
looks in /usr/share/aclocal/ for macros. However, when GLIB is
compiled (with your --prefix=/opt/gnome) it installs glib.m4 in

If one had earlier copied glib.m4 from /opt/gnome/share/aclocal/
to /usr/share/aclocal/ to "solve" this problem, then had omitted
to do this again after reinstalling GLIB, one would see a problem
much like yours.

A better solution is to add 

 ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /opt/gnome/share/aclocal/"

to your environment (In this case, after deleting the old copy of
glib.m4) - will then pick this pass those flags to
aclocal. (If you've already thought of this, and it is something
even more subtle, then my apologies. But I think it has something
to do with your glib.m4.)


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