Building gnome-perl with gtk 1.1

This post is really in response to all the:
"I can't build gtk+perl against gtk 1.1"

Well, you can.  it's still not fully functional, but you CAN
build the gnome-perl in CVS against gtk 1.1
(I'm in the middle of writing up a README on this since it's not
covered in the gnome-perl cvs distribution)

after you've run:
perl Makefile.PL

you must then also run:

once you've done this, you should be able to "make" against gtk 1.1
it works for me.  CTree stuff is all broken, if I recall correctly.
but considering the number of people in here who have actually USED
the perl bindings for gtk+ (besides myself) I'm going to guess it
won't really be too much of a problem.

Geoff Harrison (
Senior Systems Engineer
Intellimedia Commerce (
Author, MAW Shell Replacement (
Co-Author, Enlightenment Window Manager (
phone: (404)262-0001x102

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