FAQ pre-announcement

I wanted for people to get a chance to look at the new FAQ which I've been
sitting on for a while.  There are still a lot of notes which I've culled
off of the mailing list which I have not yet integrated into the FAQ, mostly
concerning problems related to compiling out of CVS, and there are quite
a few sections which still need to be filled out heavily.  However, I think
that I have the overall outline and approach revised pretty well.

I haven't finished all of the sections or even proofread this version yet,
and so I'm not interested in "The section on how to get DPKGs for GNOME
doesn't have anything in it!"  I know that it doesn't have anything in it
yet.  Instead, I'd like to hear stuff like "You don't appear to have plans
for a section on FOO, which of course is a very important part of GNOME"
or "You should be sure to influde information on BAR in section BAZ" and
the like.

My apologies for taking so long to get a new version out.  Hopefully I
can do a full release within a week or so.  Time will tell.


Todd Graham Lewis                                     (800) 719-4664, x2804
******Linux******         MindSpring Enterprises      tlewis@mindspring.net

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