Re: Gnome - Bus Sign

> Hey,
>  Does anyone know what happened to the bus sign at
> All
> pages now redirect to What happened to jwz's page ?? Oh
> well just a thought.
> Sorry is this is the wrong place for this question, but this makes the
> about under bus sign wrong. 

someone at the wall street journal or somewhere called up netscape because
they found some not-so-pretty pictures/content on the site. so now all
requests for a page on that server forward to home.

i tried to post it to slashdot, but the admin interface was broken. let
the other slashdot guys in on it, but it never went up =(

now, anyone feel like fixing gnome-libs now?
btw, if there are any people who know anything about r3k sgi indigos,
drop me a note (off chance, i konw)


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