Re: compiling gnome apps v2

Tom Vogt wrote:
>that's the funny thing: I HAVE successfully INSTALLED gnome. it just doesn't
>compile my own app. not with manually edited makefiles, not with ripped
>automake stuff, not with and not with the gnome-standalone
>thing. I'm pretty sure I did at least one of these things right, so there
>has to be something wrong with my system.
>what I noticed are e.g. very weird paths for those files it then complains
>about not finding. example: /usr/local/lib/gnome-libs/include/argp.h ?? and
>that dir is nowhere in -I parameters.

I don't know if this will help, but this is the Makefile
I use to compile gmenu (gnome-core/gmenu) from outside
the GNOME source tree.

config.h is created to get around the i18n / config.h automake
provides in gnome-core. You most likely don't need it.

This is an old script I wrote before gnome-config was
created, but I still use it since it still works. I am
sure it can be cleaned up a bit by using gnome-config.

========== start of Makefile ============
#set PREFIX to gnome's location:
PREFIX = /usr
# i18n does not like this, but:
PACKAGE = gnome-core

include $(PREFIX)/lib/

#Parse out those nasty quotes.

GTK_INCLUDE = `gtk-config --cflags`
GTK_LIB = `gtk-config --libs`
CC = gcc -g -Wall $(CFLAGS)
CCPLUS = c++ -Wall

OBJS = gmenu.o tree.o edit.o order.o dialogs.o

gmenu: $(OBJS)
	$(CCPLUS) $(OBJS) -o gmenu $(LDFLAGS)

gmenu.o: gmenu.c gmenu.h
	echo "#define PACKAGE \"$(PACKAGE)\"" > config.h
	$(CC) -c gmenu.c
tree.o: tree.c gmenu.h 
	$(CC) -c tree.c
edit.o: edit.c gmenu.h 
	$(CC) -c edit.c
order.o: order.c gmenu.h 
	$(CC) -c order.c
dialogs.o: dialogs.c gmenu.h 
	$(CC) -c dialogs.c

	install -c gmenu $(PREFIX)/bin/gmenu
	install -c gmenu.desktop $(PREFIX)/share/apps/System/gmenu.desktop
	install -c gnome-gmenu.png $(PREFIX)/share/pixmaps/gnome-gmenu.png

	rm -f $(PREFIX)/bin/gmenu
	rm -f $(PREFIX)/share/apps/System/gmenu.desktop
	rm -f $(PREFIX)/share/pixmaps/gnome-gmenu.png

	rm -f *.o *~ gmenu core
=========== end of file ============

John Ellis <>

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