Re: ANNOUNCE: Imlib 1.2 officially out

On 15 Apr, Allen Wittenauer shouted:
->  >
->  >For all interested: Imlib1.2 is now oficially out. Those who have been
->  >using the CVs version do not need to get/upgrade. It's an official
->  >"stabil" release. If you have any earlier version of Imlib upgrade NOW.
->  1) It is spelled stable.  Raster, after all this time, you should really learn 
->  how to at least spell this particular word. =)
->  2) The Imakefile's are broke because you didn't include the files you forgot 
->  to include last time and makedepend breaks because it is looking for config.h  
->  [easy to fix, but still...]

oops.. fogot to touch config.h in the main imlib dir and the Imlbi and
gdk_imlib dirs.. and damnit.. i thought they worked last time.. so i
didnt change them.. hmmm okay.. fixed in the tarball.. :)

->  3) libtool isn't setting the path right when is being called.
->  Not bad for 10 minutes worth, huh? =)
->  --
->    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
->    |     Allen Wittenauer   x31374      || [Insert disclaimer here] |
->    |       Sun Microsystems, Inc.       ||                          |
->    |  ENS/ESB_MILB System Administration|| Microsoft Free and       |
->    |     allenw@boink.EBay.Sun.COM      || Linux Free               |
->    \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------       /\___ /\ ___/||\___ ____/|/\___
Carsten Haitzler           | _ //__\\ __||_ __\\ ___|| _ /  Red Hat Advanced
218/21 Conner Drive        || // __ \\_ \ | |   \ _/_|| /   Development Labs
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