[gnome1] GnomeCanvasPolygon question


I am having troubles  understanding why the Polygon canvas item seems to
behave undeterministically.
The following two pieces of code (written in C++ but don't let that bother
you) should render two symmetrical triangles:

    Gnome::CanvasPoints up_arrow_points;
    up_arrow_points.push_back (Point (arrow_left,   y1 + 1 + arrow_height));
    up_arrow_points.push_back (Point (arrow_middle, y1 + 1));
    up_arrow_points.push_back (Point (arrow_right,  y1 + 1 + arrow_height));
    *(new Gnome::CanvasPolygon (*group, up_arrow_points))
	<< fill_color (GUIKACHU_FGC);

    Gnome::CanvasPoints dn_arrow_points;
    dn_arrow_points.push_back (Point (arrow_left,   y2 - arrow_height));
    dn_arrow_points.push_back (Point (arrow_middle, y2));
    dn_arrow_points.push_back (Point (arrow_right,  y2 - arrow_height));
    *(new Gnome::CanvasPolygon (*group, dn_arrow_points))
	<< fill_color (GUIKACHU_FGC);

However, up_arrow is rendered as


but dn_arrow is rendered as


What's up with that?
(this is all happening on a non-AA canvas)

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I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

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