PHP Guidelines / Introduction

On the PHP guidelines, under the Quoting section, you might add that anyone using MySQL can use the mysql_escape_string() function for more specialized MySQL quoting. Something worth noting about it is** mysql_escape_string() does not escape the % and _ characters.

From reading the Sysadmin meeting notes, I see you're looking at security and directory restrictions; PHP offers 'safe mode' which offers plenty of settings from comparing GID & UID to preventing execution of external programs that are not in a specified directory to protecting environtment variables. PHP also offers the ability to disable one or more functions whether or not the rest of safe mode is enabled.

An excellent resource for php security is of course the PHP manual ( )

I'm by no means an expert, but php is my hobby, and I'm willing to help out where it is needed. I'm a regular on irc:// (and soon the #sysadmin room if it is opened) and a recent GNOME fan.

Thanks, Aaron

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