Re: Gnome 2.14 status pages mostly yellow

Hi Clytie,

Ð ÐÐÑ, 26. 05 2006. Ñ 14:32 +0930, Clytie Siddall ÐÐÑÐ:

> Is this just my (vi) pages, or is it happening to everyone?
> The files on Gnome 2.14 desktop and developer-libs pages have mostly  
> yellow bars, no data. :(

I know I am color-blind, but I never suspected it's that serious: it's
all green to me. ;)

> They weren't like that yesterday.

It was most likely a transient problem: if that ever happens again, wait
for another update (remember that such updates take at least 6 hours, so
you need to be patient).  If it stays broken for more than a day, then
that is the reason to report.

It's wise to CC carlos gnome org on any breakages,
just like it's wise to CC danilo gnome org on any
breakages ;)


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