Re: CJK Numbering in gnome-doc-utils

Shaun> I don't understand at all.  Using the characters in [JA],
Shaun> without any zeroes, I get 1002 = åä and 1200 = åäç.
Shaun> No ambiguity.
1200 is speaking as äåä in oral language of Chinese, which will
be confusing if we speak 1002 as äåä also. So, 1002 is written as
äåãä, and 1020 is written as äåãäå.

Shaun> For instance, 1000 is å, but one
Shaun> could also write it as äå.
1000 is always written as äå, while nobody writes it as a single åã

Shaun> Furthermore, [ZH] also provides characters for 20, 30,
Shaun> and 40, rather than just prefixing 10 with the correct
Shaun> digit marker.
This is wrong. å is only used in Chinese Lunar Calendar and some old
articles. Nowadays, nobody uses å to represent 20, and there are a lot
of people who don't know how to pronounce å correctly. So, 20 should be
written as äå. The same applies to äå means 30.

Shaun> Please,
Shaun> everybody send me details of the numbering systems you
Shaun> need, and then double-check my results with the script.
Do you need an complete result list of Chinese numbering system?


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