status update on gimp 2.0


last week I announced that we are targetting a 2.0 release candidate
this weekend. We came very close to this goal but we still have some
blockers on our bug-list (basically two bugs only). This means rc1
will be delayed a few days. I expect it to be released by wednesday,
hopefully followed by 2.0.0 the next weekend.

We got some i18n bug reports lately and we fixed all of them.  This
introduced a couple of new messages (and one changed message iirc).  I
expect that we will have to add two or three new messages over the
next days when text tool undo is implemented. As soon as rc1 is
released (you will get a short note about that), a strict string
freeze will be in effect. That should give you time to for the last
touch on the translations.

Thanks to all of you that have worked on gimp translations lately. The
translations look very good already with a lot of languages that are
(almost) complete :)


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