Nepali plural forms

tor 2004-06-10 klockan 15.06 skrev Pawan Chitrakar:
> Thanks for everything.
> hope we will make it complete (DEVELOPERLIB & DESKTOP) translation for 2.8.
> and i am asking you a small favour coz i couldn't understand and find much
> about the plural expression how am i supposed to define the plural
> expression coz when i compile with plural expression it gives error
> "INVALID PLURAL EXPRESSION" and i could not compile with removing it.
> what do i have to do? plz advice

(I'm sending this to the list, as it might be interesting to others, and
others might be able to help.)

You should fill in with a piece of C-style code that explains how
plurals are used in your language, in this case Nepali.

In Swedish, like in many western languages, there are only two forms of
plural, "singular" and "plural", and the "plural" form is used whenever
the number of items is not 1. When the number of items is 1, then the
"singular" form is used. This can be expressed as:

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

That's valid for Swedish.

Unfortunately I don't know any Nepali, so I don't know how plurals are
used in that language, so I don't know what plural form expression you
should use.
If you can explain how plurals are used in your language in words,
perhaps someone else can can create an appropriate C-style Plural-Forms
code for you, that you could then use.


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