Re: gcalctool has been branched

ons 2004-07-28 klockan 21.21 skrev Rich Burridge:
> > So, if it's not accepted for other reasons... HOORAY! FIRST 2.9 FEATURE! ;-)
> Okay. Fair enough. Because of this, I've just branched gcalctool for 
> GNOME 2.7/8, and will keep CVS HEAD pointed at this new code that we will
> try to integrate for GNOME 2.9/10.
> The branch tag is "gnome-2-8". All string translations etc. for
> GNOME 2.7/8 for gcalctool should be done in this "gnome-2-8" branch.

Ok, thanks for the notice. The translation status pages should show the
new gcalctool branch as soon as they update.


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