Re: String freeze breakage: gnome-applets/po-locations/*

lör 2004-08-21 klockan 13.41 skrev Simos Xenitellis:
> Hi All,
> I was just told I broke the string freeze :(
> Could you please update your translations?
> If you get your .po files from the status page, the URL is
>[your language code].po
> The .pot file is:
> There was an addition of small airports in Greece, update of city names
> to modern Greek and addition of the capital city of Cyprus airport.

No, it's not supposed to be like "oops, I broke it, now please update
all your translations".

Can you tell us:

* What changed? Which exact messages were affected?
* Where's the Bugzilla bug report where this patch was discussed?
* Why couldn't this change have been applied before the freeze, and why
can't it wait until after the freeze?

After we have that information, *then* we can discuss whether this
change is important enough to breake the freeze and whether it should be
reverted or not.

Could you please give that information?


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