Status page colouring request

This is a frivolous change, I realize, but it'd simply make things
easier. In the status page for a particular group (office group, desktop
group, etc.), it'd be really nice to have highlighted apps with fuzzy or
untranslated strings. Knowing that there are 4 fuzzy strings and 26
untranslated strings in a group is nice, but it'd be even better to just
glance at the list and immediately see where those strings are. The
following seem like reasonable potential tweaks; so any of these sounds

* If ( "fuzzy %" != 100.00 ) || ( "untrans %" != 0.00 && "untrans%" != 100.00 )
  make the appropriate cell's background red or blue or some other
  obnoxious colour.

* If the "%" column for "trans." is not 0.00 and is not 100.00,
  make that cell's background an obnoxious colour.

* If the "%' column for "trans." is not 0.00 and is not 100.00, 
  make that entire row's background an obnoxious colour.

* Make the bargraphs logarithmic, thus amplifying any bar that's
  not entirely green.

Also, can we maybe get a different coloured cell background for any
branch tags that are not HEAD?

Thoughts? Feasibility thoughts? Request to have me stop with the f'ing
status page suggestions already?

# Adam

Adam Weinberger ||    ||

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