Yet more gnome-control-center string freeze breakage

It seems the gnome-control-center maintainer decided that three string
freeze breakages during the last week wasn't enough, so yesterday he
applied another patch with two new strings, just to rub even more salt
in the open wound of translators and openly show the disrespect for
freezes and the work of translators alike.

No, I'm not kidding. The yet another string additions are for real (see
below), and so is my amazement/frustration/sadness over the whole
situation. Of course anyone can make mistakes, but the failure to
comment on any of the already reported breakages, and the continous
committing of even more freeze breakages on top of the already reported
ones, sure would look suspicious to most people.

There has been an unannounced string freeze breakage in the
string frozen gnome-control-center HEAD branch.

This seems to be the commit in libbackground/applier.c that caused the
two unannounced string additions:

revision 1.38
date: 2004/04/07 04:46:27;  author: jody;  state: Exp;  lines: +228 -42
2004-03-11  Chris Lahey  <>
        * gnome-settings-background.c (applier_idle): Made this delay by a
        tenth of a second.  This seems to make it not reload the
        background more than once.
2004-03-12  Chris Lahey  <>
        * applier.c (refresh_render): Move the image reload into a separate function.
        (size_changed_cb): Handle screen resolution changes.
2004-03-11  Chris Lahey  <>
        * applier.c (bg_applier_apply_prefs): If the image is going to be
        scaled or stretched, load it at the size it's going to be
        (need_wallpaper_load_p): If the wallpaper type changed, unless it
        changed between TILED and CENTERED, we need to reload the image.

These are the added messages:

#: libbackground/applier.c:577
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to open file '%s': %s"

#: libbackground/applier.c:615
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image file"

Communication with translators regarding string changes at supposedly
frozen times is very important.

This is also true for bug fixes. If you feel the need for breaking a
freeze, follow the steps on for
getting approval *first*.

I strongly suggest these string additions be reverted immediately and
only be applied to HEAD after gnome-control-center has branched off for


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