Re: Translating Gnome into Khmer (Km)

Christian Rose <> writes:

> ons 2003-11-05 klockan 03.55 skrev Javier SOLA:
>> I am negotiating with the font developer to buy some fonts and put
>> them in the public domain. He already has normal and cursive (italic)
>> fonts. Would Gnome also need bold and Italic bold?

For "usable", it's enough to have one family/variant that works. If
you want it to look better (you probably do), I believe it would be
best to have all the basic variants available.

>> I am trying to find a PDF copy of the documentation (Users Manual, 
>> developers manual) in order to have a clear idea of the translation
>> effort needed, but I have not been able to find it in the website. I
>> have only found web format documentation. Is it anywhere in the web?

I know there's a PDF of Gnome 2.4 user guide in CVS at
gnome-user-docs/gnome2-user-guide/C/user-guide.pdf -- perhaps that
will help?

It's generated from XML files in the same directory, so it would
probably be better to get estimate out of there.


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