Re: Carlos, please update sr@Latn name

tis 2003-05-06 klockan 15.07 skrev Carlos Perelló Marín:
> > "sp" code is now defunct and obsolete (though, it might be relevant for 
> > Gnome 1.4, I haven't quite checked), and I hope I have now removed all 
> > references to it (namely, from Pan). So, if it's any good, you may 
> > remove the name for "sp".
> I will not remove anyone, perhaps it's need in the future and it's only
> 81 bytes more inside my .c file :-)

"sp" is an invalid (unassigned) language code to begin with[1], so even
if it would get assigned by the ISO-639-1 standard in the future, it's
very unlikely that the current language name we use for it would be the
correct one.

So for that reason it's probably better to remove it, instead of having
an inaccurate language name whenever we should start using this language
code according to the standard.

Otherwise I would agree that it's better to keep this information in the
code for future use, but "sp" is an exception as it's current language
name value is incorrect, and the code officially is still unassigned,
and we don't know what language it will get assigned to in the future.



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