Re: New team for esperanto (eo)

tis 2003-03-04 klockan 17.05 skrev Joël Brich:
> I am the new coordinator for the esperanto team
> e-mail : joel dot brich at laposte dot net

Welcome! I have added the Esperanto team to the teams page now.

The starting point for translating GNOME right now is to translate GNOME
2.2 desktop and GNOME 2.2 developer-libs. We havn't started translating
the next release yet, as what will be included in the next release isn't
really decided yet. Once things have settled down for the next release
and a bit more decided and we have a new category on the status pages
we'll announce it here. But for now 2.2 is what should be translated.
Any new or updated 2.2 translation support committed to cvs will end up
in the following 2.2.x releases to come.

You can get existing translations (if present) or new pot files to
translate from these status pages:

You can send me your finished translations and I'll put them into CVS
for you. Just make sure they are encoded in UTF-8, pass a "msgfmt -cv
eo.po" test, and that they are gzipped.

Once you have contributed a few translations this way, we can probably
arrange for a cvs account for you. At that point you should follow the
instructions on to
apply for one.

If you need any help you can always also ask on the #i18n channel on

Thanks, and once again welcome,

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