Re: PLEASE READ : Sun Gnome2.0 UI translation

Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <> writes:

> Damien Donlon wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> This email is addressed specifically to the translation
>> team coordinators for Gnome but feedback from anyone
>> else involved in Gnome translation is also very welcome.
>>  pt_BR      Jorge Godoy
> Hi Damien,
> Sorry for the extremely long delay in this response, I've been a little
> more busy recently than it is healthly for a sane human being.
> :)
> I'm the (sort of) coordinator of the pt_BR translation effort. As it is
> clear by now, we don't have a very structured translation team. We
> usually work with lone ranger style translators, and don't have a
> revision procedure in place. If my track record is any indication, we
> never will.


Just for 'confirmation' purposes, Gustavo is the coordinator of our
subproject form Gnome. At LDP-BR we are translating several things and
have created subprojects for big things (KDE, Gnome, etc.). Gustavo is
in charge of Gnome.

We've been studying changing my name for his on all referenced pages
at Gnome website, so that people contact him directly. With regards to
LDP-BR, he will continue posting the translation status and 'calls for
work' at our mailing list.

> In general, in relation to the documentation we don't have any recent
> work done. The Sun can freely busy thenselves with any document they
> desire, there is no need for community syncronization. I'd like to be
> informed, out of curiosity.
> In relation to message catalog translation, we have already translated a
> great deal of the modules. Those translations were never revised and
> some are crearly outdated. We will gladly hand them over to the Sun
> translators according to the published plan. I only ask to be notified
> as the contact point intead of Jorge, who can still be contacted as a
> backup. I particularly interested in notifications of cvs commits, as
> usually this is my responsability for the pt_BR team.

I don't receive CVS commits. I believe there's a '-devel' mailing list
that gets them. If there isn't, it's a good suggestion from Gustavo.

See you,
Godoy. <>

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