Re: Help with an i18n bug


Kevin Vandersloot <> writes:

> It has to do with putting strings in constant arrays. If anyone could
> help I would appreciate it. In particular I'm not sure how to test
> changes. Thanks for any help

the help you got in the replies to the bug-report looks correct. For 
strings in constant arrays, you need to use N_() to mark the string
for translation, and display the result of calling gettext() on the 
string. I wouldn't suggest to use _() as Christian proposed in his 
second reply; better use gettext() directly.

Start your program using 'LC_ALL=sv_SE procman' to test the changes.
If you don't see any swedish texts at all, you might have to generate
a swedish locale first. This is most probably the case if you are
running a Debian system. Edit /etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen.

Salut, Sven

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