Re: fontcarton and walk500

Christian Rose wrote:

> "Bastien R. Nocera" wrote:
> > - Fontcarton: an eel-based font viewer. Pretty straight forward, and
> > really not too much to translate. Just one thing, do *not* translate the
> > sentence "The quick brown fox..." literally. It's a pangram (check
> > google for infos), ie. it's a sentence which contains all the letters
> > from the alphabet. I don't know if that makes any sense, or is even
> > possible for people that don't use the latin alphabet, but if you
> > translate it literally, it doesn't make any sense. (or does it Christian
> > ;)
> The sentence I used as a "translation":
>   "Flygande bäckasiner söka strax hwila på mjuka tuvor. 0123456789"

I didn't find one for Brazilian Portuguese, but I just made one up:

"Fortaleza jogou depois daquele vexame e urbanizou o chão. 0123456789"

Not the best possible effort maybe, but the translator might use it if nothing better shows up.
In case you're wondering what it means: "Fortaleza (Brazilian city) played after that
embarassment and urbanized the ground". Kinda stupid, I know.

Oh, and don't look at me for translating. I have my hands full with the likes of Gnumeric and
Galeon. I'm forwarding this to the Brazilian LDP.

Juan Carlos Castro y Castro | "Standing up to an evil system is      | exhilarating." -Richard Stallman
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil     |

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