Attn Evolution translators!

Hello all,

as many of you probably noticed, the first Release Candidate for
Evolution has now been released.  We are expecting another Release
Candidate release soonish though, so I'd like to encourage translators
to complete their work if they want to see it included with the 1.0

  Patches to translations don't need to go through the mailing list; translators are free to
commit changes to the .po files as they wish.  On the other hand, I18N
fixes that require changes to the code should be mailed to the list for
approval.  (And such patches are actually very welcome; the more I18N
bugs we smash before the real 1.0, the better.)

  BTW, we apologize for breaking the string freeze a few times.  :-) 
Unfortunately, we have found some serious problems that really needed to
be fixed before the official release; we hope this is not causing too
much trouble.  If there is anything we can do to make your life easier,
please let us know.

  Finally, I'd like to thank all the translators for the amazing work
they have been doing.  Evolution is a quite big beast to translate, and
we all truly appreciate your efforts in making it usable in non-English



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