(no subject)

Heya all,

it seems that the attachments were corrupted the first time I send the
email (I should have read that evolutin start message ;). So here are the
scripts again. I improved them a little too.   

Bjoern Ganslandt
# (c) 2000 by Bjoern Ganslandt


export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome'

lynx --dump -nolist http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/find?string=$lang%5C.po | grep / |\
sed s@"   /"@@ | xargs -n1 cvs -z3 co 

exit 0
# (c) 2000 by Bjoern Ganslandt

test -e full.po || touch full.po

for po in $(find ./ -name $lang.po); do
msghack --append full.po $po > full2.po
mv full2.po full.po

exit 0
# (c) 2000 by Bjoern Ganslandt

test -d ".namedp" || mkdir .namedp

for po in $(find ./ -name $lang.po); do

cat $po | grep Project-Id-Version: | \
sed s/'"Project-Id-Version: '// | sed s@'\\n"'@@ | sed s@" VERSION"@@ |\
sed s@" "@_@g | xargs -i cp $po ./.namedp/{}.po


msghack --master $(find ./.namedp/ -name "*.po") > $lang.master

rm -rf .namedp/*

exit 0

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