Re: VIM syntax files for PO files

Sean O Ceallaigh wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any VIM syntax files for PO files similar to
> Emacs PO mode.  I've used PO mode with Emacs in the past
> and have been using more VIM lately and was wondering
> if others are using it also for translation.

There already is po.vim for syntax color. But I guess you want
something like this. I made it for my own.
This po.vimrc is for vim 6.0. If you use vim 5.x, changing is easy.
Just do next two command:
    :%s/ <buffer> //g
Then it will work for vim 5.5 or later. Don't know it work less than

And if you save the po file, it automatically change the PO revision
date and author. If you want to use it, you should change email addr.
,fm and ,ff will be useful.



" po.vimrc: VIM resource for 'po' file editing.

setl   com=
setl   path=.,..,../src,,

" find a non-translated msg string
nmap <buffer> ,fm :call FindNonTransMsg()<CR>z.

" find fuzzy and remove
nmap <buffer> ,ff :call FindFuzzyErase()<CR>

" duplicate the original msg.
nmap <buffer> ,fd }?^msgstr<CR>f"ld}?^msgid<CR>f"ly/^msgstr<CR>nf"pNf"l

" erase the translated message
nmap <buffer> ,fe }?^msgstr<CR>f"lc}"<ESC>

" perform language dependent checks on strings
nmap <buffer> ,fc :!msgfmt --check %<CR>

" show statistics
nmap <buffer> ,fs :!msgfmt --statistics %<CR>

" commit current file
nmap <buffer> ,ci :!cvs ci -m '' %<LEFT><LEFT><LEFT>

" goto file which contains the current string
nmap <buffer> ,gf  {/^#: <CR>02f:l"aye0f w<C-W><C-F>:<C-R>a<CR>

function! FindNonTransMsg()
  let lnum = line(".") + 1
  let enum = line("$")
  let found = 0
  while lnum < enum
    let line = getline(lnum)
    let lnum = lnum + 1
    if line == "msgstr \"\""
      let blank = getline(lnum)
      if blank == ""
        let found = found + 1
        exec "normal " . lnum . "ggk"
        let lnum = enum
      let lnum = lnum + 1
  if found < 1
    echo "Cannot find non-translated msg"

func! FindFuzzyErase()
  let lnum = line(".") + 1
  let enum = line("$")
  while lnum < enum
    let line = getline(lnum)
    if line =~ "#, fuzzy"
      exec "normal " .lnum. "gg"
      if line =~ "#, fuzzy, "
	exec "normal ^ldt,"
	exec "normal dd"
      exec "norm z.f\"l"
      echohl WarningMsg | echo "You may want to edit this" | echohl None
    let lnum = lnum + 1
  echo "There's no fuzzy"

" Update the time of the 'PO-Revision-Date'.
imap <buffer> <C-G> <ESC>mG:r!date --utc +'\%Y-\%m-\%d \%T'<CR>"gd$dd`G"gpa
nmap <buffer> _CT mCHmH1G/^"PO-Revision-Date:<CR>f:wct\<C-G>+0900<ESC>
         \j0f:llct\Sung-Hyun Nam <><ESC>'Hz<CR>`C

augroup local_rc

  " PO revision date update
  au BufWritePre,FileWritePre ko.po   :norm _CT
augroup END

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