Re: Enter the build sheriff: Jacob.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 11:37:00AM +0000, hobbit aloss ukuu org uk wrote:
> Putting my release team hat on here: 
> On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 03:53:35PM +0000 or thereabouts, Michael Meeks wrote:
> > * A proposal for guidelines for build sheriffs - 0.0.2
> (rest of the post at 
> )
> > 	We anticipate that since the role of sheriffs is limited
> > to modules that are stable, or in the process of release engineering,
> > that the release team will appoint suitable persons to this role.
> So we did. And the winner is... Jacob Berkman. Your badge in the shape 
> of a star is in the post. 
> > 	Maintainers of all modules are encouraged to add general
> > provision for sheriffs, by appending: "build sheriff commits welcome"
> > to their HACKING files. alternatively, something like "the following
> > people may commit as build sheriffs: A.N.Other" would limit the list
> > of approved sheriffs to those named.
> Quite a few people have done this, but please, if you have a stable
> module and have opinions on build sheriffs, add something relevant
> to the HACKING file. 

  I did not update the HACKING file. I want to retain controle of
my module. I want to receive a message with explanations before something
get changed in my module.
  BUT, the build sheriff commited twice already without sending any mail
informing me of the potential problem.

  Can the build sheriff follow the rule he was appointed to enforce:

 + A build sheriff may only commit to modules where the HACKING
   file makes explicit provision for their general role, or in
   the case of specifically named sheriffs, only those named may

  The fixes were in both case probably right, BUT the sheriff should
show the law, not break it.



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
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