Re: Queries about release specifications [Was: who gets in and why]

Hi Alan,

On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 11:18, Alan Cox wrote:
> It becomes a little cabal.

	Well; currently there are a fairly large number of people who maintain
packages in the core. So it's a fairly big 'cabal' ( neither secret, nor
factional, nor intriguing ;-).

>  You can call it a "core team" but its still the elite. Who code
>  reviewed your submissions ?

	I really wish more people reviewed my code; as for an elite - we're
really talking minimal standards of decency.

>  How will you prevent the biases of the core team from biasing the
>  whole selection process (eg the C++ bigotry  around here) ?

	By doing it in public ? as suggested - if you can think of a better
way, please, please propose it. Currently the 2 alternatives are
"discussion by core maintainers in public wrt. the GEP" and "Release
team decides". If you have some 3rd, 4th, 6th, 12th option throw it in -
I'm not particularly wedded to any scheme. The more public the better
IMHO, but preferably ones that don't involve lots of users voting.

> For existing projects its the business of the project owner.

	Ok - and for Gnome that means the core maintainers; presumbly you don't
object to an individual package maintainer choosing to reject code
inclusion on the grounds of taste ? why should a larger project be any
different whatsoever ? We should collectively have a broader taste

>  For new code going into the very core I'd be much more concerned that
>  it roughly follows the HID and that the maintainer actually plans to
>  maintain it and fix the problems, not that its beautiful code.

	Sure; that's good too - but I'm not mooting 'beauty' as 'C', '8 stop
K&R', but more 'has no clue about dynamic allocation', 'twisted and
over-complicated flow logic everywhere', 'riddled with redundant casts
and cut and paste code' - That sort of thing.

> For fifth toe I don't think anything beyond looks like gnome, feels like
> gnome, must be gone is valid as a consideration.

	Agreed - as I said before. 5th toe doesn't interest me, the 'core' [ or
whatever things like 'nautilus' and 'yelp' are called these days ] do
interest me lots.



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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