Re: Bonobo stream API mis-naming ...

Hi Owen,

On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 17:47, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > > grep '[^f]truncate.*truncate64' /usr/include/unistd.h 
> > #pragma redefine_extname        truncate        truncate64
> > #define truncate                        truncate64
> It's unclear to me that there really is a problem here.
> And in the fallback case of the #define (used, I believe, for non-SunPro
> compilers), the redefine is harmless. As long as the structure field
> is in the same position, it doesn't matter what the compiler thinks
> it is named. (*)

	Hmm; true - but I believe the issue is that if (for whatever reason)
Bonobo.h is included, and subsequently unistd.h is included - when
people do:

	my_struct->truncate = my_impl;

	Then they assign the 'truncate64' element, but when it was declared the
#define was not there to mangle it horribly - so we get:

	structure has no element 'truncate64' - depending on include order.

	So - It seems to me to come down to the fact that we need to include
every possible header that does this kind of mangling, for each platform
at the top of Bonobo.h - which is possible; which headers are these ? is
it just unistd.h ? is this a fix for all systems ? etc.



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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