Re: ANNOUNCE: gedit 1.118.0

Hello Paolo,

Monday, April 29, 2002, 10:44:09 AM, you wrote:

PM> Hi! 

PM> gedit 1.118.0 has been released. 

PM> What is it? 
PM> ----------- 

PM> *  gedit is a small and lightweight text editor for Gnome 2 

PM> What changed? 
PM> ------------- 

PM> * Accessibility related fixes (Hema Seetharamaiah) 
PM> * Added translator credits to the about dialog (Abel Cheung)  
PM> * Fixed bugs #78856, #75636, #76407, #79277 (me)  
PM> * Fixed bug #76196  (Federico Mena Quintero) 
PM> * Fixed bug #79115 (James Willcox) 

PM> Updated translations? 
PM> --------------------- 

PM> * Dutch (Ronald Hummelink), traditional Chinese (Abel Cheung), 
PM>   Italian (Alessio Frusciante), Finnish (Jarkko Ranta), 
PM>   Norwegian (Kjartan Maraas), Korean (Young-Ho Cha) 

PM> Where? 
PM> ------ 


PM> How can I help? 
PM> --------------- 

PM> * Test it and report bugs on
PM> * Fix bugs and send patches to me 
PM> * Write new contents for the web site 
PM> * Translate it 

PM> Ciao 

PM> Paolo 

Best regards,
 Patrick                            mailto:patdunn dreamscape com

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