bugzilla status report and not-quite-10 top bugs

So... yesterday was sort of a big day. For the first time, we closed
more gnome2 bugs than we opened. This trend will probably change again
as we get more users who test and file bugs, but for the time being,
it's a really good sign. I thought you all should know; from a bug
perspective I think it means we're turning the corner towards a 2.0.0
release that kicks much ass. 

Here's a rough cut on Big Nasty Bugs. It's not actually 10 [actually 4,
7, or 11, depending on how you count], because there just aren't that
many Big Nasty Bugs. But these are definitely Big And Nasty.

The list:

1) Menu editing blows goats. 

http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72715 and blocking/dependent
family: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=72715

2) terminal crashing [big nasty just because they happen so much.]

on ctl+t, ctl+d: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74197
with transparent term: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75340

3) window list applet takes up basically infinite space [again, reported
a zillion times- very, very confusing for newbies.]


4) default applications issues. So, it now /works/ [which is a step
forward] but there is no obvious/easy way to set simple things like
there used to be [a major regression from what 1.4 users are used to
seeing], and there is (possibly?) still some API clean up to be done.


Related to (4) but not really huge there are 12 bugs someone with
minimal skills could probably take on, making help systems work:



The preceding list was derived from:

Another list people with spare time and 1337 skills should look at:

That's a list of ~90 bugs that are:
(1) not solaris specific, so most hackers should be able to fix them ;)
(2) either a crasher or a major function not working
(3) fairly big deal- 'high' priority

When this list hits zero we'll be in /much/ better shape to release,
though there are still 100+ other 'high' bugs, like things that are
embarassingly high-visibility string errors.

Anyway... obviously, v2.0 of this list will be a little more structured,
but I hope this is a useful place for people to grok the state of GNOME
bugginess, and for those who want to fix shit to start hacking.



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