GNOME 2 developer documentation

Folks -

I'm trying to get a handle on the status of development documentation
for GNOME 2.

By my count, of the packages in pre-gnome2, the alpha platform:

12 have API docs
6 have other minimal documentation of some kind
12 have no documentation

We need the GNOME 2 development platform to be completely
documented. That means:

1) A porting guide. Malcolm Tredinnick is working on this. (Yay

2) A page on describing the architectural
components of GNOME 2, along with links to web-based version of the
API documentation and any tutorials. Jeff Waugh is working on a d.g.o
overhaul that should make this easier.

3) API documentation in each package.

I need to hear from the maintainers of the platform packages about the
status of your documentation. I need:

a) A paragraph explaining briefly explaining what the package does,
for the d.g.o architecture section.

b) The status of your API docs - are they up to date? If you've
included a porting guide in the package, is it up to date?

c) Pointers to any other docs, such as tutorials and examples, that
can be included in the d.g.o architecture section.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h),

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