Re: Deskguide performance ...

On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 02:36:34AM +0100, Tim Janik wrote:
> well, deskguide does the usuall session specific save/restore stuff that
> all other applets use as well. if that fails for you, it's probably not only
> deskguide forgetting its settings. for what its worth, i'm seeing this problem
> daily as well with dozens of application, our session management is just fuubar,
> i just don't have the time to hack that as well.

I don't see this on my box, if you have problems with gsm, can you talk to
gman, and file bugs???

Could we please make this optional for 1.4 in the deskguide and/or make the
deskguide exe instead of shlib again.  I'm not too crazy about a feature that
many people say fucks up on their system running inside the panel process

Again, as I mentioned before, crashing applets as shlib are FAR worse then
crashing exe applets as they can render the panel unusable, and unfortunately
deskguide has had a history of not being exactly the most stable of programs.


George <jirka 5z com>
   There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that
   which should not be done at all.
                       -- Peter Drucker

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