Re: GNOME hosting

On 08 March, 2001 - jacob berkman sent me these 0.8K bytes:

> On 08 Mar 2001 22:46:03 +0100, Jon K Hellan wrote:
> > jacob berkman <jacob ximian com> writes:
> > 
> > > well the bandwitdh and space on all the mirrors is not as cheap for
> > > everyone.
> > 
> > Right about space, wrong about bandwidth. Stuff which nobody downloads
> > doesn't cost bandwidth.
> but starting up a mirror *does* take a large amount of bandwidth.

Maybe the historical stuff can be kept in a tree next to the current
stuff.. so you can decide if you want to mirror only the current stuff
and/or all old packages too.

Seems like the most sane solution to me.

Btw, how much disk space does it all take right now?

/Tomas - not mirroring gnome ftp.. (yet?)
Tomas Ögren, stric ing umu se,
|- Student at Computing Science, University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {cs,ing,acc}

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