CORBA stubs/skels Automake rule is not perfect

When running make -kj3 on my SMP machine, the stubs, skels and main
headers that are generated from CORBA IDL's are created multiple times
(once for each Make thread).
The usual code in G2 modules to create CORBA-derived C sources is:

CORBA_SOURCE =                          \
        Bonobo_Clipboard.h              \
        Bonobo_Clipboard-common.c       \
        Bonobo_Clipboard-stubs.c        \

idls =                                          \

idl_flags = -I @BONOBO_IDLDIR@

        $(ORBIT_IDL) $(top_srcdir)/idl/Bonobo_Clipboard.idl
-I$(top_srcdir)/idl $(idl_flags)

libbonobo_clipboard_src =                                       \
        bonobo-clipboard.h bonobo-clipboard.c                   \
        bonobo-clipboard-store.h bonobo-clipboard-store.c

$(libbonobo_clipboard_src): $(CORBA_SOURCE)

The old solution was to add CORBA_SOURCE to the BUILT_SOURCES or something
like that, and I seem to recall that it worked better.
Any explanation what's going on here?

   .--= ULLA! =---------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \     \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
    `---= cactus cactus rulez org =---'
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