Re: GNOME 2.0 planning: A longer range roadmap

> we need for that, and let it get picked up slowly by devel platform
> maintainers (Bonobo, GTK+, libgnomeui) when it's finished, and if it's
> of general interest to those professional developers. If your goal is
> to create a quality devel platform to get these developers, frantic
> hacking on the libs is NOT the way to get there.

So you would have a library set of glib gtk gnome gnomeui for the code
and umm 'gwiz' or whatever with the cooler experimental stuff

> I think we can end the thread if we agree that anything in gnome-libs
> that's not finished by July has to come out again. And agree that
> there will be no whining when it's removed. ;-)

That does not sound unreasonable. Would it be sane to schedule a gnome bofh
/ meeting at something in July (OLS ?) to settle any final arguments about
what is going in.

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