Re: GNOME CVS: gnome-common gfarris

George Farris wrote:

My god I'm terribly sorry about this and I'm afraid I may have done it
again.  It is my not understanding cvs fully I'm afraid.

I changed my project from C to python, made a branch and then started removing files from my project directory. I tried to remove "intl" and "macros" not understanding that it world cause any grief outside my project.

Once again I am so very sorry.

I certainly won't do it again. I'm not sure I understand why they are coming into my project now that they aren't required? Maybe you can
help me understand that.

Those directories are shared by a lot of modules. They get pulled in because of a special rule in CVSROOT/modules. I have modified CVSROOT/modules so that checking out gfax won't pull in those two directories now. If you remove the directories with "rm -rf" in your local tree, they shouldn't come back again if you do "cvs checkout".

I have restored intl again, but there seems to be a stale lock in the macros subdir making it difficult to restore. If someone else wants to restore it (ie. someone able to remove the stale lock), go ahead. Greg maybe? :)


Email: james daa com au

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