Re: political topic [sorry]

On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 10:29, Fernando Herrera wrote:
> developers, translators and maintainers) are living in Madrid. Some of
> us had a terrible day, looking for friends that used to get that train,

This was a sad day indeed. 

> 	In the other hand, the statement on the web site is clearly 
> no political, and cannot offense anyone, neither the killers. So I
> cannot see any problem with it.

The problem, of course, is not the content of the statement itself. It
is the fact that a lot of other tragic events do not deserve a statement
on the Gnome front page. Choosing which news are put on the front page
is a political act.

Obviously, here, the criterion used to decide which news are put there
is "news which affect members of the community". I disagree with this
criterion and would rather use "technical news which affect the
project": it seems to me that there are a lot of other websites which
are dedicated to the Gnome community.

I won't yell at people or make a big deal of this. I just wanted to
raise the issue and, maybe, get a few people to think about it.

Mathieu Lacage <mathieu gnu org>

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