Re: Personal remarks on Epiphany/Galeon [Was: Release Team's Almost-Final Modules List]

>   Let's defer our choice, to allow the two projects to "compete naturally"
>   in the time leading up to 2.6. I believe that we will have an obvious
>   winner by then, with stable releases of the browsers, and clear buy-in
>   from users and vendors. They will decide anyway - let's let them decide on
>   the merit of stable releases, not on the "decree" of the GNOME project. I
>   would like to see this "Linus-style" lazy evaluation applied to competing
>   modules in the future, too, if we are unfortunate to see it happen again.

Its worth noting that the group of people Ephy (and maybe GNOME,
depending on who you talk to) is designed for aren't going to go grab it
and compile it. They're probably going to use whatever ships with their
distro and *maybe* will fetch nice little RPMs for their distro if those
are ever forthcoming. And of course, you always have the "who makes the
most noise" sort of self-selection, which I again expect to naturally
favour Galeon users (presuming that it is a better "power browser").
Consequently I'm not sure that "natural competition" provides a good
metric for assessing which module we want to include.

On another note.... are we expecting Mozilla releases in the 2.4
time-frame that will be able to support Ephy or the latest Galeons? If
not, shipping Ephy/Galeon isn't an option even if they produce stable
and feature-complete releases.


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