Re: GnomeMeeting / OpenH323 [Was: 2.4 Module List]

Le mer 19/03/2003 à 16:41, Alan Cox a écrit :
> > > If GnomeMeeting can drag OpenH323 and pwlib, and Epiphany can drag
> > > Mozilla, surely, Totem should be able to drag xine-lib ^_^
> > 
> > There aren't, AFAIK, any patent or DMCA issues with openh323 or mozilla.
> > If I'm wrong in believing that is the case with xine, then please do
> > correct me :) 
> H.323 has significant patent issues. The openh323 guys have tried to be
> very careful to only include algorithms which are either patent free
> or have explicit patent grants for GPL usage. Fortunately you can negotiate
> with the other end about formats supported.

More precisely H.323 - and the related signalisation protocols - have no
patents, but H.323 can make use of patented audio and video codecs. SIP
has the same problem. 

However, GnomeMeeting/OpenH323 do not make use of any of those patented
codecs, which doesn't prevent interoperation with other H.323 endpoints
as the use of those patented codecs is optional. You are entirely free
to use whatever codec you want with H.323, patented or not.

 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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