GUADEC: Desktop UIs comparison BOF

	Hi to all!

	GU4DEC is coming!!!

	I'm going to run a BOF about Desktop UIs comparison, and as the
abstract says " And try to collect a list of good
things of any of them. We should conclude it with a list of
features/ideas that GNOME could use or implement"

	It would be great to have some people with a Windows XP and Mac
OS X laptop in the BOF to make things easier than talking with

	And remember, if you want to say "I love caramba", "I really
need this minimize animation", "I want this XP feature", ans you want
someone listening to you (and discussing with you), this BOF is for you.



PS: This is not free advertising, I really want some Mac OS X and Win XP
users there! :)

Fernando Herrera de las Heras
Onírica: análisis, diseño e implantación de soluciones informáticas
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