Wanted: Gnome trivia

I had the idea that it would be fun to have a Gnome trivia
quiz at Guadec. Anything from "how do you get the Gegl easter
egg in (pick a module) to show up?" to "When was 1.0 released?"
(which I had better not use now, cos you can all look it up.
Oh, go on, then. You can all have a point for free.)

I have a few questions, but my idea of what is obvious or
arcane is not everyone's. Send me more questions. Please?

The idea is to do this in a pub or similar venue and for
teams to write answers down. So don't assume you can put
anything on a board, a projector or a chart for questions.
And don't make people write essays. Cos the next table
along will have to mark them. Well. That's the probable

I shall probably be able to find a lot of trivia from
Gnome history, but there are whole areas of Gnome today
I know little about. Things I have plundered already:
cvs-commits (for dates and some really strange modules),
old mailing list archives, the brains of some of the
gnome.org maintainers, bugzilla (be warned :)) and so on.

So send hot pi^Wquestions. 

Silly or impossibly hard or "if you don't know this,
you should feel very silly."

To me, _not_ the list. Or everyone will get everything
right :) I shall post the full list after Guadec. If you 
don't want your name associated with the question when 
I do, include that in the email. Or perhaps dumping them 
into CVS would be better. Whatever.

gnome-hackers mailing list
gnome-hackers gnome org

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