RE: 2.4 Module List - zenity


> I don't have any solution for this. It worries me. I think the only solution
> might be to keep the "API" very small and simple. How small and simple is
> the API now?

I don't you should be too worried - I can't see huge non-backwards
compatible changes happening. I'd even like to write a gdialog wrapper
script to zenity to help the migration.

gman kowabunga:~$ zenity --help

Usage: zenity [OPTION...]
Dialog options
  --calendar                 Display calendar dialog
  --entry                    Display text entry dialog
  --error                    Display error dialog
  --file-selection           Display file selection dialog
  --info                     Display info dialog
  --list                     Display list dialog
  --progress                 Display progress indication dialog
  --question                 Display question dialog
  --text-info                Display text information dialog
  --warning                  Display warning dialog
General options
  --title=TITLE              Set the dialog title
  --window-icon=ICONPATH     Set the window icon
Calendar options
  --text=STRING              Set the dialog text
  --day=INT                  Set the calendar day
  --month=INT                Set the calendar month
  --year=INT                 Set the calendar year
  --date-format=STRING       Set the format for the returned date
Text entry options
  --text=STRING              Set the dialog text
  --entry-text=STRING        Set the entry text
  --hide-text                Hide the entry text
Error options
  --text=STRING              Set the dialog text
File selection options
  --filename=FILENAME        Set the filename
Info options
  --text=STRING              Set the dialog text
List options
  --column=STRING            Set the column header
  --checklist                Use check boxes for first column
  --radiolist                Use radio buttons for first column
  --separator=STRING         Set output separator character
  --editable                 Allow changes to text
Progress options
  --text=STRING              Set the dialog text
  --percentage=INT           Set initial percentage
  --pulsate                  Pulsate progress bar
Question options
  --text=STRING              Set the dialog text
Text options
  --filename=FILENAME        Open file
  --editable                 Allow changes to text
Warning options
  --text=STRING              Set the dialog text
GTK+ options
  --gdk-debug=FLAGS          Gdk debugging flags to set
  --gdk-no-debug=FLAGS       Gdk debugging flags to unset
  --display=DISPLAY          X display to use
  --sync                     Make X calls synchronous
  --name=NAME                Program name as used by the window manager
  --class=CLASS              Program class as used by the window manager
  --gtk-debug=FLAGS          Gtk+ debugging flags to set
  --gtk-no-debug=FLAGS       Gtk+ debugging flags to unset
  --g-fatal-warnings         Make all warnings fatal
  --gtk-module=MODULE        Load an additional Gtk module
Miscellaneous options
  --about                    About zenity
  --version                  Print version
Help options
  -?, --help                 Show this help message
  --usage                    Display brief usage message

I have a few more options to add, but nothing major. Probably adding
--width/--height/--geometry is one definite change I need to make.


			Glynn ;)

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