Re: very rough pre-gep tentative new modules list

On 16 Sep 2002, Luis Villa wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-09-13 at 16:27, Sander Vesik wrote:
> > On 13 Sep 2002, Luis Villa wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > *rhythmbox: most of you have probably heard of rhythmbox. It's another
> > > app that wants to ambitiously aim for a 2.2 release, with the
> > > understanding that the libs and the application itself may not be stable
> > > in time for release. Both XP and OS/X come with apps like RB- we've got
> > > a great one, so we should ship it if it is ready to go. Adds a gstreamer
> > > dependency.
> > > 
> > 
> > The list was missing Gstreamer so - there really should not be any gep
> > written that proses the inclusion of media apps into the desktop before
> > there has been a gep on the inclusion of a media framework. 
> As I very clearly stated, these are the end-user apps we must have to
> make ourselves a modern desktop; libraries are something we clearly need
> to work out but they are a means and not an ends. This list (I thought
> it was clear) was about the ends.

It doesn't make sense to agree onthe inclusion of Rythmbox until we have
agreed to the inclusion of Gstreamer. If we agreed to rythmobox and the
gstreamer gep subsequently falls through you wont be able to include
rythmbox either as it depends on non-includable libraries. We don't need
*rythmbox* to be a modern desktop - we need something have the
functionality, the details (like which program provides it) depend on
oither things it using the gnome sound system. Thus avid rythmbox
supporters should concentrate on the Gstreamer gep and not waste time
trying to steamroll rythmbox in.

> Luis


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