Minutes for G2 release team meeting 2002-09-04

Minutes for Gnome 2 release team meeting 2002-09-04
Present: everyone
Frederic Crozat         Glynn Foster
Karl Gaffney            Jody Goldberg
Telsa Gwynne            Mikael Hallendal
Luis Villa              Jeff Waugh

  DONE: Frederic to write GEP (Gnome enhancement procedure) for 
  release-consistent version numbering  changes.
  => Now in CVS as cvs/gep/proposals/gep-4.html
     Discussion period for it ends 27th September 2002
  DONE: Sort out list of new stuff expected in 2.2.
  Jeff to send request for this out, and we will split the
  results up among us by package and each monitor one small group.
  => Jeff sent out a mail asking for this, but there hasn't been
     much response yet. Jeff has also divided the modules up among
     release-team members so that we are all watching particular
     packages. (See discussion)

  DONE: Telsa to send list of what lists we're all on to Jeff for
  weekly update.

  DONE: Luis to put results of "standards we would like to see Gnome 2.2
  apps reach for inclusion" discussions on d-d-l on website.
  => He put the results up and another discussion started on 
     desktop-devel-list.... Seventy-plus emails so far, starts at:

  DONE: Mikael to send his API docs summary out.

  DONE: Luis to send bug summary to Jeff

  PENDING: Jeff to consolidate the above two and the You are here and
  send out. 
  => "above two" was Luis' bug summary one and Mikael's API docs summary

  PENDING: Jeff to check in changes to dotplan.
  PENDING: Jeff to install analog or webalyser on the box hosting dotplan
  so we know what people are looking for/at/over.
  = post-FTP changeover.

  PENDING: Jeff to create check-list of "things to do before major
  release" and maintain it so it's ready for 2.2.0.
  => post-FTP changeover.

  PENDING: Luis to collate responses from relevant maintainers on whether
  they want their apps to be part of GNOME 2.2 and post them for public
  => Luis got lots of responses, is going to post them.

  NEW: Glynn to reschedule next week's meeting from 11th to 12th.

  NEW: Jeff to write 'GNOME 2.2 Desktop Modules' GEP and post, etc.


  * 2.0.2 status

  Oops. Slippage.

  Revised dates: 2.0.2 release candidate 1 on September the 6th;
  2.0.2 final on the 13th. 

  Nearly ready to release 2.0.2-RC1. We are not holding off on a 
  new control-center: there are lots of patches Jody wants to 
  integrate which won't be done and tested in time. We are
  waiting for gnome-vfs though.

  * FTP directory revamp status

  Lots of corner cases are making the "move all the layout about"
  scripts harder than expected to write. (They will be run on both
  master site and mirrors to minimise the amount of data which needs
  transferring.) Jeff is still working on this.

  * The modules GEP

  A discussion between Michael, Mark, Jeff and others on desktop-devel-list
  resulted in the suggestion that we have an ongoing Gnome Enhancement 
  Procedure (GEP) which includes all the modules proposed, included, 
  added, removed for Gnome releases, so that people know this at the
  time and people in the future can look back and see the rationales.
  The current proposal is that there should be one for GNOME 2.2, one
  for GNOME 2.4 and so on. The relevant thread is 
  "Subject: chopping and changing": particularly these: 

  * modules for release-team to look at. 

  When we started on 2.0 (1.9.x...), we didn't start off knowing
  what was going to go into all the modules. As we got towards the
  end we still found ourselves thinking "Wasn't this feature punted?"
  or "surely this was going in?". This time, we shall try to find out 
  in good time what the anticipated features are. 2.2 is going to be a
  time-based release, so not all of them plans may make it in, but
  it will help us know. (See also the action items at the top about

  Jeff has listed all the modules from the current modules list
  (which doesn't include any additions or removals for 2.2 yet)
  and assigned them so that (we think) the same maintainers don't 
  get bothered by multiple release team people. We fine-tuned this 
  on the phone call: the revised version will go to desktop-devel-list. 

  * rearrangement of next week's meeting.

  We'd like to rearrange next week's meeting to the Thursday, not
  the Wednesday. Glynn will fix this. 

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